
Sustainable Gifts in Ireland

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Buy Organic Pledge
No Single Use Plastics Pledge
Paperless Office Pledge
Eco Star Rating


Sustainability Report for

Sustainability Scores







The above scores are based on the Eco Star Rating Assessment


Carbon Reduction

Our company does not buy cow’s milk anymore for the staff. Instead, we have replaced it with milk alternatives. We have also noticed that some of our staff now drink cow’s milk alternatives at home. This step alone has reduced our carbon footprint by 4%.

We have a written organic policy and have put processes and checks in place to ensure this policy is adhere to where possible. Organic products use 45% less energy, release 40 percent less carbon emissions, and foster 30 percent more biodiversity.

Clean Water

We have fully removed the use of phosphorus detergents in our company.


Our company has building energy ratings for all our buildings and have been working to add energy efficiency improvements where possible.

Most of our electricity is generated from renewables but we can take a few more steps to increase this to a 100%.

Our company has a policy that specifies that all new electrical equipment we purchase has a high efficiency rating. Only in rare cases where no alternative can be found are exception allowed.

Our company has upgraded almost all our electrical equipment to safe efficient alternatives.

Our company tracks the overall use of electricity and some individual equipment energy usage. We do this to identify individual equipment to replace or reduce the usage where possible. This process has reduced our energy usage and therefore our electricity bill.

Our company use smart plugs for certain equipment. This allows us to automatically schedule the shutdown of this equipment when it is not in use and have been able to reduce our energy bill.

Our company has reduced business travel through a travel footprint reduction policy. This policy encourages our staff to organise meetings online over in person meetings. If an exception is given, we encourage staff to use low footprint travel alternatives like electric cars or public transport.

Our company has replaced all the fluorescent tubes with LED tubes which has reduced our electricity usage.


Our company has a No Plastic Policy in place to reduce the single use plastic our company buys.

We have reduced the printing in our company to a bare minimum and our proud to call ourselves a paperless company.

Our company has reduced our waste dramatically by encouraging our staff to reuse rather than binning. This not only has reduced our waste bill, but we also have seen a reduction in our purchasing cost.

Our company uses sustainable packaging which is made from lightweight materials and is almost fully recyclable. This has reduced the waste the company produces and reduced our transport cost.



Our company should consider starting a downstream awareness program to promote ethical decision-making throughout our supply chain. Our company is only one part of our environmental sustainability. Through an awareness program we can ensure that our entire supply chain is moving to a sustainable future.

Our company is actively engaged in setting up a downstream environmental audit program allowing us to track our downstream suppliers and partners sustainability score. This in turn will encouraging more companies to engage in sustainable practices.


Our company tracks the carbon footprint of the whole company helping us identify areas where we can make some improvements.

Our company tracks and reports sustainability KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). This shows a commitment by the company regarding sustainability to staff, customers and investors. Tracking our progress in becoming more sustainable helps the company identify the areas where improvements can be made and encourages teams within the company to do financially better while being sustainable.

Our company has had zero incidents of non-compliance with environmental permits, standards, and regulations.



Our company has a buy local policy to encourage our teams to buy goods locally where possible to reduce of carbon footprint and therefore our cost. Buying local has reduced our carbon footprint and our overall transport cost.

Our company has been supporting several local charities which advocate for socially responsible practices and environmental policies. We do this to improve local communities and advocate for environmental practices.